Love to sing? Want to improve your vocal range and sing with more power? Chorus is for you. We accept students of all abilities Come explore your voice while singing great music -- new and old, American and global. Interested in more? We have a variety of choral groups to explore based on interest and ability.
This is a large, performance orientated chorus open to all students. Development of a healthy singing voice in a group setting is the main goal of this course. Basic music theory and sight-singing are also required components. Opportunities include: caroling, festival participation, collaborating with other choirs and travel.
Come feel the power of singing in a women’s choir! Learn breath control and expand your vocal range while singing gorgeous harmonies and songs from around the world. A great experience and an awesome group. Enrollment is subject to a successful audition.
Love to sing a cappella music? Want the challenge of singing in a small, select, expressive choir for young men and women? Audition for the FHS Chamber Choir and become part of a respected, talented and fun group! This audition-only group is for outstanding musicians grades 9-12.

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